Hire An Expert Virtual CTO For Your Technology Decisions

A Virtual CTO is a cost-effective and time-effective solution to your CTO needs. A virtual CTO takes care of all CTO responsibilities like setting up the technology best practices, technology vision, resource planning and so on. The best part of Virtual CTO is getting started with a CTO quickly without having to commit for a long term

Looking For Digital Transformation Services?

Our Virtual CTO Services

With our Virtual CTO Services, we have helped many founders in taking every technology decision in their business.

Our Virtual CTO acts as a technical advisor who understands your needs & vision and then converts it into a plan that your technical team can follow. We anticipate the type of support your business is going to need at every stage and what processes would help your venture grow rapidly and smoothly – By Optimizing Your Tech Growth Curve And Scaling Up.

With a team of executives and industry specialists who have experience both in technology and entrepreneurship, we can ensure that every decision is made keeping the scale and right practices in mind.

What is the use of a Virtual CTO in your business?

 A Virtual CTO works with you to support IT initiatives, outline technology strategies and create an approach based on business goals while ensuring technology infrastructure, tools and teams are well organized.

But practically, how can this help? Here are some benefits of hiring a Virtual CTO for your business

Establish the technology vision

Helps you build your technology vision following which rest of the decisions can be taken

Shape and manage the technical team

Helps you hire or set the process to find candidates and partners

Assist CEO with fundraising strategy

Helps you get introduced to his connections and build relations

Validate the technical feasibility of the product

Proactively checks possibilities and dependencies of your product

Define tech stack and software Architecture

Sets up the blueprint of your technology plan by keeping view of your goals and scalability

Help product architecture & right foundation

For a software project, considering scalability and security along with high performance with optimized costs

How It Works At Cimmerse

Additional Things To Know

Technology We Provide Teams On