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25 Surging Climate Tech Startups 2023

25 Surging Climate Tech Startups 2023

It’s no surprise that climate tech startups are getting more current in the tech space. In 2023, there are formerly 22 similar startups making swells in the assiduity. These climate tech startups are using innovative results to attack the world’s most pressing environmental problems. From carbon insulation to renewable energy results, these startups are creating feasible paths towards a greener future. Keep reading to learn further about the top 22 climate tech startups of 2023.

1) Carbon Cure Technologies

Carbon Cure Technologies is a leading climate tech incipiency that’s working to reduce the carbon footmark of the construction assiduity. The company has developed a technology platform that uses captured carbon dioxide to manufacture concrete. This concrete reduces its carbon emigrations by over to 20, while also perfecting the strength and continuity of the concrete. Carbon Cure has raised over$ 100 million in adventure backing and is now partnering with some of the largest concrete directors in North America. Their innovative technology is paving the way for greener construction and paving the way for a further sustainable future.

2) G2 Mobility

G2 Mobility is one of the leading tech startups in the climate tech space. innovated in 2020, G2 Mobility is a revolutionary electric vehicle( EV) charging platform that enables the effective and dependable use of renewable energy sources. The company offers a suite of products and services to enable briskly and tidily charging, ameliorate client experience, and reduce operating costs. G2 Mobility also provides innovative results for vehicle- to- grid( V2G) operations and data analytics to enable smart energy operation. With its slice- edge technologies, G2 Mobility is helping to shape the future of sustainable transportation.

3) C2FO

C2FO is a tech incipiency that provides working capital results to businesses. They work their personal technology platform to produce a business that connects businesses seeking working capital with investors who are willing to buy checks at a reduction. C2FO’s innovative platform helps businesses get the backing they need in a further cost-effective and transparent way, allowing them to manage cash inflow more and grow briskly.

The platform also allows investors to earn seductive returns without the hassles of traditional lending. C2FO is one of the leading climate tech startups offering innovative fiscal results for businesses around the world.

4) Sun Funder

Sun Funder is one of the leading tech startups in the climate space, fastening on furnishing solar energy access to underserved communities around the world. innovated in 2012, Sun Funder provides backing to solar systems in developing countries, including Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. The company offers asset- grounded lending, debt and equity backing, as well as entitlement backing for exploration, development and deployment of clean energy technology.

Sun Funder has helped bring solar energy to over 11 million people living without electricity, with the end to reach 1 billion people by 2030. It’s also at the van of digital finance for solar energy companies and has lately launched an online platform that enables investors to support off- grid solar businesses. With its innovative backing results, Sun Funder is making a positive impact on climate change and is an important player in the global shift to renewable energy.

5) Tendril

Tendril is one of the leading tech startups in the climate and energy sector. innovated in 2004, the company uses big data and pall- grounded analytics to give consumers with substantiated energy perceptivity and automated energy- saving recommendations. It has been suitable to acquire several mates similar as Google Nest, Home Depot, Whirlpool, and Lowe’s, as well as rise over$ 90 million in backing.

Tendril also offers a suite of software tools designed to help serviceability more understand their guests ’ energy operation and to ameliorate engagement. Through these tools, serviceability can offer programs similar as time- of- use pricing and automated demand response. Eventually, Tendril’s thing is to make it easier for people to use energy more efficiently and reduce their carbon vestiges.

6) Seventh Generation

One of the leading tech startups devoted to combating climate change is Seventh Generation. innovated in 1988, the company has been furnishing guests with factory- grounded, non-toxic, biodegradable cleaning and particular care products for over three decades. With their fidelity to renewable energy, Seventh Generation is creating a healthier future for generations to come.

In 2019, Seventh Generation introduced a line of solar products, partnering with SunPower to give domestic, business, and marketable guests with photovoltaic technology. They also offer solar backing through their cooperation with Mosaic, a lender specializing in renewable energy systems.

Seventh Generation is committed to reducing their own carbon footmark as well. They lately unveiled a new suite of products that are made from renewable factory accoutrements rather than petroleum- grounded plastic, performing in an 80 percent reduction in carbon emigrations. They also have enforced a company-wide greening program which has reduced their hothouse gas emigrations by 40 percent since 2014. As one of the most prominent climate tech startups, Seventh Generation is devoted to furnishing guests with sustainable results that help cover the terrain. Their commitment to renewable energy and sustainability will really have a positive impact on the future of our earth.

7) Ice Energy

Ice Energy is one of the leading climate tech startups in the energy sector. innovated in 2004, Ice Energy has developed a unique and innovative result to address climate change. The company provides distributed thermal energy storehouse systems that shift the cargo of cooling demand down from peak hours, reducing the need for grid power and furnishing more effective electricity use. These systems are installed on guests ’ rooftops and help save them plutocrat while reducing their carbon vestiges.

By storing thermal energy in a phase- change material at night, these systems are suitable to give ice-cold air during peak demand hours, barring the need for grid power. This makes Ice Energy an incredibly effective and effective way to reduce energy operation and save plutocrat.

8) SolarCity

SolarCity is a leading tech incipiency concentrated on furnishing solar energy results to individualities and businesses. The company was innovated in 2006 and has since come one of the largest providers of solar energy systems in the United States. SolarCity provides both domestic and marketable guests with a variety of solar energy results, including solar panel installation, solar parcel and loan programs, energy storehouse results, energy operation services, and more. The company is committed to furnishing clean energy results and is devoted to helping its guests reduce their carbon footmark.

9) Clean Edge

Clean Edge is one of the most prominent climate tech startups around. innovated in 2000, the company works on creating a clean energy frugality through the development of products, services and investments. Their portfolio consists of renewable energy technology and products, smart grids, clean transportation, effectiveness and sustainability results. Clean Edge’s charge is to help transition the world down from dirty reactionary energies to clean and renewable sources of energy.

The company works nearly with governments, universities, serviceability, pots and entrepreneurs to support and promote the use of clean energy technologies. Clean Edge’s moxie includes furnishing consulting services and developing public-private hookups to grease the growth of the assiduity. They also mate with adventure capital enterprises to give investments into promising launch- ups in the field.

10) Pristine Sun

Pristine Sun is one of the top tech startups in the climate space. innovated in 2011, Pristine Sun is a leading provider of solar energy results, offering turnkey systems, engineering, procurement and construction services for marketable, artificial, and mileage- scale solar systems. They also give backing and monitoring options to make solar more accessible for everyone. The company has developed several innovative technologies to ameliorate the performance of solar photovoltaic systems, including their patented Smart String technology which allows guests to fluently and efficiently manage their solar investments.

Pristine Sun also works with mileage companies to integrate renewable energy into their power grids. With their commitment to the loftiest quality norms and their focus on sustainability, Pristine Sun is well deposited to remain a leader in the climate tech incipiency space.

11) Helio Power

Helio Power is a leading solar energy and energy effectiveness tech incipiency, furnishing full- service renewable energy results to domestic, marketable, and agrarian guests. innovated in 2004, the company has been a colonist in the assiduity, helping to reduce electricity costs and hothouse gas emigrations for its guests. With a full suite of services from engineering, procurement, and construction( EPC) to operations and conservation, the company helps guests develop, install, and finance their own renewable energy systems.

As a completely integrated energy results provider, Helio Power offers a wide range of solar products including rooftop solar systems, ground mounted arrays, and carport systems. They also give energy effectiveness services similar as home energy checkups, air sealing, sequestration upgrades, and whole- home energy assessments. These services enable guests to save plutocrat on their energy bills while reducing their environmental impact. In addition to furnishing high- quality products and services to its guests, Helio Power is devoted to educating the public on renewable energy.

They offer educational forums , shops, webinars, and one- on- one consultations with their experts. Through these sweats, they hope to foster the growth of the renewable energy assiduity and increase mindfulness of the environmental benefits of investing in clean energy sources. Helio Power is an illustration of one of numerous tech startups concentrated on bringing renewable energy results to the public. By furnishing innovative products and services that help reduce energy costs and hothouse gas emigrations, these companies are playing an important part in helping to combat climate change.

12) Ener NOC

Ener NOC is a tech incipiency grounded in Boston, Massachusetts that provides energy intelligence software to marketable, institutional, and artificial guests. Their software allows companies to cover and manage their energy use, helping to reduce energy costs and carbon emigrations. EnerNOC also offers demand response services which enable businesses to admit fiscal impulses for reducing their energy consumption when the grid needs redundant power. also, EnerNOC has developed the EnergyConnect platform, which provides guests with automated energy operation results. With its advanced analytics, EnergyConnect helps guests save plutocrat and reduce their environmental impact while using further renewable sources of energy.

13) Amyris

Amyris is a Tech incipiency that works to develop renewable and sustainable results for the biotechnology assiduity. innovated in 2010, Amyris uses an advanced synthetic biology platform to develop motes for use in products ranging from transportation energies and cosmetics to medicinals and food constituents. With the thing of furnishing effective, sustainable results for the product of accoutrements traditionally made from petroleum, Amyris is working to revise the way the world produces and consumes energy.

In 2013, the company was awarded a$ 15 million Department of Energy entitlement to support its exploration into developing a diesel energy volition using sugar club. Amyris is one of numerous Tech Startups that are helping to lead the way towards a further sustainable future.

14) Virent

Virent is one of the leading climate tech startups that are presently making an impact on the world. innovated in 2002, Virent is a renewable energies and chemicals company that uses an innovative process to convert factory sugars into motes that can be used to produce gasoline, diesel, and spurt energy. This process, called catalytic conversion, uses low- temperature chemistry and doesn’t bear any refining or blending. rather, the converted biofuels can be used directly in vehicles and ministry with no variations necessary.

likewise, Virent’s process utilizes renewable coffers and reduces the quantum of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. By using technology to develop new results for a greener future, Virent is helping to combat climate change while also furnishing sustainable energy druthers.

15) KiOR

KiOR is a leading climate tech incipiency grounded in Pasadena, California. They specialize in creating renewable energies and chemical products that replace traditional fossil energies. KiOR has developed a technology to convert biomass into usable energy with the help of thermochemical conversion. This technology has the implicit to reduce hothouse gas emigrations by over to 80. KiOR’s products are formerly being used in colorful sectors, including transportation and energy.

16) Zymergen

Zymergen is one of the leading tech startups in the climate sector. innovated in 2013, the company uses personal technology to develop new accoutrements and products using robotization and molecular engineering. With a focus on sustainable manufacturing, Zymergen is advancing the state of the art in renewable chemicals, advanced accoutrements , and sustainable husbandry. The company’s exploration platoon consists of world- leading experts in machine literacy, genomics, robotics, and chemical engineering, working together to develop products that are better for the terrain.

In addition to furnishing a renewable volition tonon-renewable products, Zymergen has developed tools to reduce the costs of erecting and spanning up product processes. As a result, the company is well deposited to be a major player in the arising climate tech sector.


From carbon insulation to renewable energy results, these startups are creating feasible paths towards a greener future. Keep reading to learn further about the top 22 climate tech startups of 2023. Carbon Cure Technologies is a leading climate tech incipiency that’s working to reduce the carbon footmark of the construction assiduity. G2 Mobility is one of the leading tech startups in the climate tech space. C2FO is a tech incipiency that provides working capital results to businesses.

The platform also allows investors to earn seductive returns without the hassles of traditional lending. C2FO is one of the leading climate tech startups offering innovative fiscal results for businesses around the world. Sun Funder is one of the leading tech startups in the climate space, fastening on furnishing solar energy access to underserved communities around the world. Sun Funder has helped bring solar energy to over 11 million people living without electricity, with the end to reach 1 billion people by 2030.

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